Video 83
78. Shanti Gita - Class 78 - chapter 7- verse 16
foreign [Music] foreign lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from Darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your splendent face whom peace peace peace be unto us all so we are back to our reading of this Shanti Gita and now we are in the end part of this book seventh chapter and we have how many verses seventh chapter we have 40 verses but we are here almost half so we will be reading today verse number 16. so what was discussed before in brief is this that the whole universe is nothing but the consciousness what you I behind this you and I there is an eternal consciousness shambit awareness all your feelings all your emotions all your suffering all your pain you feel because of that consciousness you are feeling that you are sleeping that understanding of sleep there is a Consciousness behind otherwise how do you say I slept well that means there is someone who is observing your sleep what the question of every experience in the waking state I am seeing you I am talking to you I am feeling cold I'm feeling hot oh I am I am very just depressed I am very happy all this awareness about the relative life it's possible because there is some Consciousness who is observing who is feeling this that person that it is not a person some entity that is better to call the Atman and Atman is Brahman but you say confusion Atman is here in the self Brahman is the absolute everywhere how this can be that so here the scripture wanted to help us to make it understand that it is one the imaginary world of Distinction is there because of the ignorance there is one space we are making a distinction it is a temple space it is a space how much is the room in the Bookshop books of space there is no space separate then the one space we divide some with some wall we create some apparent understanding of separating from the whole to a part but Spacey space absolutely so it's Consciousness is the one consciousness manifesting to me or to you or to anyone is a microwave to the gigantic dinosaur the same Consciousness behind everything no more dinosaur do but that Consciousness behind that elephant big elephant the big tiger big lion the same Consciousness by pulsating at the back of everyone so the game is ultimately that's why there is a technical discussion it did in verse number 15 that that's Ambit that consciousness that is your Atman and that is the caitanya and that is the Consciousness and that you know you know that is called Brahman and that is the Target of when you say Dao or that foreign download the physical body but thou means that Consciousness which is permeating your whole body mind everything there is nothing but one Consciousness like the space so to give that example more understandable but you but you cannot just hear it or read some book and get out get the experience you cannot get it so you have to go to a guru that's it that's by listening from an expert teacher who is practicing that way who is convinced about the truth and who has his own experience of that reality so that type of teacher you should have to go teacher anyone can be a teacher there is a statement [Music] the teachers are available in Market hundreds and thousands of teachers it is very rare people in the world can you say I am an headache be very careful and be I'll give one suggestion another on practicing don't but what is the functions of your body going on mind is jumping mind is Happy mind is unhappy my understanding is clear my understanding is not clear what is that Consciousness what is that where I'm aware that awareness is the absolute awareness covering the whole Cosmos so they give us example one simple example so that we can easily grasp it this very subtle subtle truth is not visible to the physical eyes not visible through your telescope microscope but this is the thing with the pure mind you can perceive it that's why sadhana is necessary spiritual practices necessary every day that's the people that's the problem of observing Purity observing love for others absorbing selflessness all these characteristics to be imbibed in the life that without that this experience will be just a few words only and not will reveal in the hearts of the people so that's why he says then you know given an example this is a very great example you can understand in a click there is depth and importance like a Gata report space and the space outside Maha has a great space great space and small space in a jar space suppose you bring a jar here what do we say oh the jar has taken so much room in the space is little scrant space is not crab space is space but the jar what you are putting jar space you are imagining their division of the infinite space into two saying it is a jar taking the space and the space outside there is no distinction in the space itself jar is when put it can be removed it can be broken then what really mean space will remain a space so this very simple example but to understand the vedantic truth I I think that it will be very helpful that's why they put this idea that know that the space in the ghata or in the jar or in the pot and the space outside Great Space they're all one space wise there is no distinction but you can limit it by the wall that wall can be broken that wall is not strong enough to stand with the space space remains for space forever in the space stars are coming galaxies are coming the stars are going to black hole and then again it's regenerating their infinite number of stars but this is happening but space what is happening in this space we sometimes say oh speak this to the sky is clouded sky does not get clouded sky is pure Cloud comes Cloud blows but there's two space you know the bombshell Falls inside oh it is so see the devastating thing and nothing has happened to happen to space whether you put bombshell or you put a a beautiful decoration of some deity or you put some fire it matters little space remains space so the Atman remains Untouched by anything what you put you can put a jar an Indian system they put many design in the jar a design jar attractive jar or a repelling jar whatever you bring space Untouched by this apparent good and bad she's a good philosophy one can meditate on this and can understand that the Consciousness in me is the same Consciousness everywhere the Consciousness you is no separate from the Consciousness which is in me the same reality which is in me is the same reality in you and everywhere the same Ananda the Bliss that is here is everywhere but we don't understand that's a different issue to uh that's a different topic to discuss we can think but here is the question that can get it convinced that Consciousness in you is the same Consciousness in everyone the holy mother said no uh Aman Buddhism who is in me or who is in you is the same conscious the same reality in a lower caste or ordinary person and you are maybe society stop person but the Consciousness wise the reality is the same there but that is the experience of all the realized people in the world so now today we read the verse number 16. and what does it say it says sit in such a way so that we can see your face otherwise yeah no meaning of she is meditating tell him to move little tell him that you sit in such a way I can see you no no you I see you I'm talking yeah move in such a way that I see you oh so anyhow so 16 verses [Music] the space within the jar that's the old example you can give more modern example many things a glass hey keeping glass the space within the glass outside space the space within the temple outside the temple space region the bookstore outside the bookstore there's this space is only one it is like exactly gotaka so the space contained in a picture and mahak also like mahak also as their same Jani he know it one as it is one similarly foreign continuous all pervaded this this Unity about you know that is all one one Consciousness one Brahman one Atman Johnny knowing this you become Brahma you feel that you are one with that absolute truth you are that you know because in vedanta highest teaching is called the analysis of mahabhaka is the great dictum great word Maha means great bakku means the word because we talk we talk small talks that is not Maha Maha is get highest biggest we talk pity things what has happened today what did I eat what should I drive who has told me this thing are a everyday people are talking so many things minor worldly talks but this is not small it's a Maha It's a grand grand grand statement of our real existence that's why this is called great dictum what is the great dictum that I am that in comparison to this statement everything is very filthy very little petty because everything is changing only that is unchanging truth I am that this will change body is changing mind is sin it is changing subject to change but Atman the Consciousness look at that from childhood everyone remember here who can who we people say I am a agnostic agnostic are good friends of vedanta because you tell me I don't need to believe in God or sitting somewhere heaven and I you tell me don't you feel your you are there from your childhood still the day you born till now don't you think during the Sleep also you are there or you die every night when you are sleeping do you die you have something that's why you say I do not know so that Consciousness is permeating all the time it's a proof you don't need any belief system any faith system but analyze analyze analyze the sweet vedanta is so appropriate for intelligent people with scientific Outlook no you need not have to believe who is sitting in a rod in hand you are doing something wrong he will beat you and then put you to the Hell and Hell for five months or help our forever I do something wrong Christian hell is dangerous because they will say you do something wrong at the end the point say Peter will be sitting over there and book his account book and she did it backed it go to hell and if he says once you go to hell boss you are never escape from that eternal hell I did something little bad I'll be punished for eternal life what type of judgment is that and you did something good job you go for Eternal heaven Hinduism is good you are have you have done this much Bad Karma okay go to hell punishment and finish come back after five days rigorous imprisonment for one month okay Finish finish that come back you did much bigger okay five years imprisonment then come back but actually you ought to think that you are not limited there this is the body mind coming but you're not so this is the freedom idea is the greatest idea in vedanta and it is not on belief system or this and that those are only for uh confusing our uh intellectual that that means also vedanta gives the responsibility on yourself you you did something wrong don't do it if you do it you show what you do you reap what you do you get back that so you think that you are at one you will be Atman you think I am a poor I am I am whatever idea you have about yourself you will be like that so as you think so you become as you think about your goal and ideal your accomplishment will be the same your achievement will be the same so you say I am artman you become Atman you say I'm a fool I mean idiot idiot you become your fool you become that's the way because yeah so so yeah that's why you first have to be a student of vedanta so you cannot keep those ideas and read this book together you have to give up those then you are a student you can enter into this classroom yes those are there but I am not that conviction should have to come first condition otherwise this is this talking is not for everyone but this is a at least intellectually so much it is encouraging it brings us bright and clear understanding then you can study because you cannot say I am everything I am infinite and at the same oh I am a poor guy I am an educated person I am a my money person I am a powerful how are you matching with this that is no that's why there that's why you know scripture it is said these are small talks small identities you have to give up the small identities then you can come to this point of this infinite identity yeah one cannot keep the identity that I am this little web and think I am the ocean no motion idea will engulf your small idea of your wave idea you think that you imagine that in infinite Pacific Ocean you are one of the wave the wave idea is to give up you have to go to the ocean idea you have to go to the H2O idea they never won with the cosmos you cannot keep the web idea at the same time say I am ocean that does not work together so but this is a good idea he said that all come the unity Unity of me and the whole Cosmos there comes the idea of Charity swamiji said oh why I will be charitable why I shall be kind to others if kindness and to sacrifice something why shall I be because of this Unity you are seeing that you are separate from me but in reality it is not we are all one as it's in the ocean it is said that it will strike at one point that vibration though it is here may be severe vibration goes and if you are fine instrument you can find its effect how do you understand the uh what is called earthquake in the in the machine you find out how much it has happened how much is epic that can be understood that so therefore Unity will be unbroken unbroken Unity our unity in the life becomes momentary and disappear no whom we love I didn't know that person before you say yeah we are all babies and we go to school college and we make many friends no you come and then disperse again but this relationship with your own Consciousness is our condo unbroken consciousness no one can stop Unstoppable Consciousness continuously supporting our very existence therefore knowing this just be think Brahma you'll be saturated with the consciousness of Brahman feel that I am that problem and Petty thought will go away feel and vedanta gives power it immediately says I am not that petty bodily I am poor mentally I may be weak and spiritually I am infinite this is the point bodily I am weak bodily I am small mentally I may be weak sometime or sometimes strong intellectually I may be dull I may be good I am Atman that is uninterrupted consciousness there is no up and down in that level that therefore you be always blessing you be Brahman you'll be saturated with Brahman Consciousness be a totally engulfed into that consciousness of this Brahman do that so 16 bars as the space read in a pot and the Great Space are essentially one and the same know that that in undividedness should be the sameness between individual person Jiva Atman and absolute Consciousness paramahatma knowing this remain absorbed in Brahman has to intellectually notice and then just don't leave it hold your mind into that consciousness that is difficult there comes much spiritual practice you have to pray you have to cry you have to do selfless work to get the stability of the mind to remain there it I am talking all these things but it is no impact unless it is practice practice to one have to practice long to stabilize the mind in that level you always feel I am Rahman in my spirit but bodily I may weak all this weakness failures frustrations or success they are all in material Level Baba harika but parama thicker truth the absolute truth I am that unbroken Consciousness absolute Bliss and peace 17 bars that is the starting point of our spiritual journey okay these only in business with this condition yeah I think I'm or your being thing is not Disturbed in that but you know even if you think you are a poor poor poor you will come if you say I am strong strong strong you strong you become yeah that is my example because it is spiritual text they are talking about Guru to become liberated is better or to become the president of America which one is now even then if you try seeing system and you may not true suppose you want to be the president of this country no but you can be a senator at least and then the next next go on right right because that is a sadhana period so long the mind is there but when by sadhuna your mind becomes purified and mind becomes mindless then what happens then that is Brahman so the mind can with the mind I am doing sadhana and when the mind will be purified to that level then it will be unbroken Consciousness that is the Target and that is the truth you cannot change the truth depends on our sadhana and as as you were saying that yes you may that's why suppose one one in this classroom if he feels that I'll get I'll be anyway I'll get b b grade so he will be getting C but if we expect that I'll be a I'll be a plus with that high goal his sadhana will take him Inspire him to reach at least b or B plus foreign if you say so don't talk because mind you are talking with the mind so why are you talking you are defiling the whole philosophy of May because you are talking keeping the Mind mind is there that's why you are expressing when you beyond mind there's Brahman that will be so thinking of that it is not that something transformation will happen in Brahman but transformation in you who is thinking I am not Brahman that is the transformation I am not Brahman I am the body I'm not infinite I am this limited their change will come yeah that happens for the very very powerful people if their thought is so serious foreign but I will say that if it is intense desire intense activity those changes are possible srirama krishna's life is a example there anyhow so let us go so say 17 bars original the space in the Kumba in the pot and mahakasu the space in the infinite as not to in transactional world you can say this is my room that is your room in transactional world but in real sense there is only one space this wall has been created imaginary as it is so but in a sense they are one similarly Atman and Brahman avidam the Atman in the capital self Brahman means the cosmic consciousness this and that there is no distinction no difference in ghetto knowing this here is the question knowing why we are all conflicting all these argument coming it is the question knowing knowing means so long your mind is there we are we are reading this means I am knowing how do you know so long your mind is there so you are trying to understand through the mind you will not understand knowing does not mean here actually intellectual knowing knowing means being one with it knowing means being to becoming so knowing gatwa you become full full f u double l get to a purn of our original or you know you feel so little you feel yourself so petty you feel that you are lost your son has died and so it is meaningless life is meaningless no no no nothing has lost in the infinity nothing gets lost huh no rabinartigo sang this song [Music] [Music] Oh infinite that is everything is there we knew that nothing is lost one drop is not lost in the infinite the drop is a part of the infinity so there is nothing when you separate yourself [Music] [Music] when I separate myself from you the whole infinite and look at this Petty eye and there is my laws there is my frustration there is my fear there is my anxiety but when I look at my real nature that I am part of the infinite when you think of the infinite margin to the infinite then there is no loss mithu death fear they are all mere words it has no entry there means be Fearless how to be Fearless think you are not this Petty about even mind it is only a drop of the infinite ocean of Consciousness raise your Consciousness into the level of that sachidhan on the level Brahman level Atman level capitalist we live in smallest what he writes myself no when you write s is small letter no but if you make it capital letter that self is undying self that is equal to the cosmic Consciousness that is Cosmic Atman Brahman the thought move similarly knowing knowing that my this self is the Cosmic Self knowing this you become poor no become fulfilled and put you know if you can fulfill so the transition says as the space within the picture and the Great Space are non-different in their essential nature likewise the self capital and Brahman are non-different knowing these words you know become fully accomplished fully poorno it becomes accomplished to a fulfilled 18 months foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in in different parts as the Akasha the space is full and one's full space is varshati is manifesting no you keep 10 jars here and the one space is inside and outside its place is only one so similarly this is these are called limiting means limiting adjunct it is making us limited the unlimited appears to be limited thinking I am the body it's juxtaposition you juxtapose your little petty Body Mind identity over it over the Consciousness and you see that it is all Limited in all these upadhis all these limiting adjuncts only one Atma no one's self-capitalist purno it is a full is saturated overwhelmingly present need without any to our duality that means again the idea is hammered again and again that one consciousness like Infinite Space with the 10 jars you keep but space is the same everywhere size may be different one may be big jar one may be safe is different size is different but the space inside and outside the space is undivided space so similarly I look different you look different cat do look different dog didn't look different the elephant look different but the Consciousness in all of us is the same consciousness just few minutes close your eyes and think this this you see yeah that's called vedantic meditation as I think many jars are here of different shape and size the space inside is the same space and outside also same space similarly these are all jars several jars are here that Consciousness inside same consciousness same as I give the example for driving the car you same energy you are putting the car back gear or front gear back again car moves backward don't blame the car don't blame the energy behind blame the gear which gear you wanted to give God word or worldwide if you give this way it will work that way if you give that way it will work the same way but what is the driving force behind their car what is the driving force between behind all the lights and the heater and the cooler that the tiny light and this light what is the difference same electricity volume is different big size reflection is different but foundationally it is all the same electricity behind a big what you call the turbine turbine you know big Engine with the tiniest motor all run by the same electricity so similarly one Consciousness is behind all the apparent manifestations only we but our eyes get stuck into the outside only the jar we don't see this space we see the jar those who go for our upanishad gives this idea we look at the article the ornaments of you go to the gold shop shopping ornaments your focus is on the design before weighing it how much weight you are not concerned about that your design is you like the design you jump onto it but is there any difference in one design and the other design and the same the content as gold gold content remaining same your focus is on the object of design that is upadhi you are only focusing on the upper the limiting adjunct that which is limiting your vision you are holding on to that I like this flower I like this house I like that you like everything but what what you like you do not know you are saying that I like the house you say that I like this design I like that design now you like the gold is the point if there is no gold no design so it is all Cosmic Consciousness is all sachidananda Brahman or the Atman everywhere only it is limited by this external name form that is so 18 verse same idea and these are repeated why they give so many examples some people complain ramakrishna's Ram complained to ramakrishna Mama Uncle why do you say the same thing every day why don't you change your statement differently so this is Rascal I'll do whatever I like what is that to you but the question is that there is no two word you boil all these scriptures but to understand this simple thing which you are talking about it takes life and life and life we don't understand we talk we argue we clearly try to clarify but we don't understand understand means who is a very difficult thing I understand mind you kill the mind you destroy the money mono NASA this mind which is always only living in The Duality you have to kill that manasu again when it will come when you desire of the heart will go away three should be practiced simultaneously what is bringing my desire in my mind the Consciousness design driving force or taking me to the mundane things which will change tomorrow day after tomorrow we can go for that and spend the whole life matters little it is your loss or you can use the same time for search for the truth and you can be rich and richer in your spiritual life so whatever you like you like so similarly here this is the point to understand that spiritual practice needs very important three should be practiced every day this only we are talking about we have to do that man on us that's why try to kill the Mind try to analyze the Mind mind is the culprit and mind is the friend mind is the cause of becoming your friend and mine is your enemy that which is get into the Atman that will be your pure mind and that takes you away from God that is the impure mind and impure mind will drive you like a crazy guy like a slave in the world running for little love little affection little smile little sweetness little that and how many Smiles we see you saw in our life did it fill our heart no still we still like to see some smile but it does not work and you then we cry but see the smile inside his eternal smile the tatva the truth and that is the great Capital cell therefore the verses just as one undivided space appears in various containers so too the one whole self divide up to two-fold Nature appears everywhere in all limited objects so so too the one whole self one absolute cell capital which is devoid of twofold nature ignorance and other things appears everywhere in all limiting objects that's why Swami Vivekananda said in the Inspire talks that you see you see this table but do you see God first and then second interval if first see God we are thinking when shall I see God and some people began on the saying that you are fast seeing the gold and then see the ornament imagine an ornament there is no gold can there be any ornament we call Gold ornament so gold should be substance so Brahman is the substance Consciousness is the foundation and then you are seeing the name and form so you see God first and you see the table exactly vivekananda's word first you see God and there you see the table what do you think we see the table only where is God but why don't you see because our mind dwells in The Duality mind has been trained to see whatever visible universe is the only truth there is nothing Beyond and spiritual science is testing no no no no don't get confused with that that one Consciousness is behind that try to see the Consciousness everywhere to exemplify that another verse 19th foreign foreign foreign Lambs in those days lamp in Arden pot they put some wig and oil and we do in the deepavali time Diwali time also we put that Yeta there may be thousands of such lamps but the fire is the one fire thousands of lamps may be there the fire is the same similarly sarva Suri is in all these bodies that the big self is the only one and it is chit it is of the nature of Consciousness it is such it is a nature of reality absolute reality and abayo it is unbroken reality imperishable reality everything is very simple in the world but that is the only imperishable reality and another verse also you read then at the end sauce you can join chant what I am saying foreign thousands of cows are there no shiram the milk that milk is only one serum serpi they they are saying okay milk may be different but they are saying Sophie means clarified butter when you milk it and butter comes butter is the same so similarly prostration Flintstone people used to put fire touching Princeton uh Krishna Veda Krishna means here fire in the Flint is remaining the same foreign distinctions fire Remains the Same so though the form remains Allah various types of preferred Stones when you can find the same fire everywhere so these are the different examples to understand that milk and clarified butter are same and one and not different in thousands of cows fire is the same without any distinction in Flintstones of various types okay so we end here today 20 words then we'll read the other so you have any question for five minutes ah you said you must kill the mind but the instrument to kill the mind is the mind yeah pure mind with the impure mind like you know ramakrishna give the example one Thorn Pricks in our feet we take another thought to pick out that old Thorn which has granted and through every booth so with the pure mind with the analytical mind we our dull mind which is so much engrossed in that ignorance cannot make any distinction between the two the Consciousness and the Eternal and the non-eternal so we need to help a mind and kill the Mind means kill that mind which is in uh you know in ignorance when the Mind becomes pure then the mind then becomes mindless and that is the state we call kill the mind and destroy the mind but we cannot function without the mind without the mind you cannot do meditation you cannot without the mind I cannot talk this analysis is what they are suggesting we cannot do without the mind so mind is a tool but that tool is not being properly utilized so but that we in our mind good tendency is bad tendencies so we'll have to kill the bad Tendencies with the good tendency similarly highest pedantic thought with that which is lower than that which is Body Mind connected we will have to work with that and then when the mind will be extremely pure it will see God everywhere when even in intellectual suppose we are talking about the port and space as many times we saw thought you know a little Clarity comes here species I don't I never thought that way but species display same space see it is penetrating a little bit into our mind mind is accepting this idea so the Consciousness in me really there is something you know you see now it is robotic age robot is doing all this robot is getting and going somewhere entering someone is killing and destroying and then coming back no but robot is functioning by its own power what is the power behind the robot this is all robots run by what all the computers are running run by what Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi is there or not Wi-Fi everywhere but you don't know you would need a password until you put the password your Wi-Fi you will not connect to get that Wi-Fi you need to pay money or make some friendship with someone who has a Wi-Fi to go to a guru who has on Wi-Fi he can lend their Wi-Fi for you or give the password and all you purchase yourself you are capable of doing that have your money get it purchased that means you prepare yourself by spiritual practice so these mind mind is spiritual life is nothing but mine and the whole world is nothing but mine one person falls in love with each other two mind don't stop finding the negative purpose or when something wrong the same two people finding fault with others seeing something in the mind increase the distinction and creates all disaster this is the mind only so purify the mind that is the lesson of the meditation is what meditation you think of some pure entity in your heart that's a meditation no simply think of light or thing comes of divine entity Christ Buddha's Ram as krsnas like that ramakrishna so thinking of that pure your mind becomes pure mind is like a it's called like a water it you put into the cup it takes the shape of the cup they put in a pot it takes the type of a pot you put it in a flat tray it takes form of a tray don't blame mind but why are you are keeping your mind is the important are you keeping in God it will take a god shape if you take any vulgar thought hey mind will take the vulgar step so don't blame mine but our way of putting the mind in which thought which ideas is the cause of also this is a spiritual progress or spiritual retardation from spiritual life okay so some question has come if everything happens exactly as per the wish of God then is not my negative thinking also ordained by him yes great question we can escape by that way yeah actually so if everything happens exactly as per the wish of God then it's not my negative thinking also ordained by God yes but did we think that you are egoless do you really believe that God is doing everything then nothing happens to you nothing will touch you but when I do good things I do I do bad things God has done that will not do so therefore that is very true the exactly what have been said is correct but everything happens exactly as per God's will but that's a very pure mind can understand there is good also by done bad also you have no ownership there a child child has does not take any ownership of any good bad action child May sometimes there is a knife or something child does not know and he was playing playing and pushed on her mother's and hand or something so it bleeds no one takes him to jail because you have killed your mom or did something wrong to your mom because you have no sense of identity so yes when will be egoless then it is true but before that good karma Bad Karma I am doing to my impure mind that idea is good then that will save me and help me to improve my character so then why are you asking me to think up positively as if it is uncontrollable yes we may try to be positive but we may fail that time we ask for Grace higher power to help me and that helps us in our whole life we someone comes in our life to help us whether we know or know not know in our every phase of our life when we are in difficulty unknown person comes is God's self but we have to try our best and then God's self can be understood uh is seeing clearly in the Mind's Eye related to or by or byproduct of negation is seeing clearly in the Mind's Eye related to or byproduct of negation I don't get this point clearly I when I is seeing clearly seeing clearly means no ignorance seeing clearly means mind has become so pure you see the presence of God everywhere that is the seeing yeah it is not the power of negation rather it is Power of Positive Thinking negation means you can say negation of course you can say if you say I am not the body not the mind that negation but you have to understand that positive thinking I am Atman I am Atman that's why vedanta takes both the aspect one he says I am not this and another song is they say I am this I am not the bunny I am the Atman I am not the mind I am the pure Consciousness no not this but that that's why shankara says this prayer we do so negative and positive both ways we try to clear our mind that it's almost as if Consciousness is always looking at Consciousness itself the Consciousness and awareness you can make it two division in that we are concerned I am conscious of you this is deep through the sense perception Consciousness Eternal Consciousness reflected through our ego intellect mind and senses Etc etcetera diffuse diffuse diffuse then it comes but one is without any covering only they happen so these are the two distinctions if approach I approach a guru and become a disciple will I not lose my individuality and personal freedom true but what if what is the individuality you have to understand really why you will be going to a disciple not to be a Slave but you are going to a teacher to be free if that controls you so much that your life is control don't go to that Guru Guru will teach you how to be free from bondage and if you see that he is guiding you in that direction and yes obey him like a slave because it is for your own spiritual benefit no you need not have to think guru's wanted to listen to every word of Guru to practice why that is that will make you free but if you think that he is asking money from you or he is trying to control your personal life that is not a guru's work we go to Guru for what for self-knowledge for going in devotion and love and that guru's instruction you have to follow in totally be a slept there but not to that Guru who is using you for some purpose why you go to that Guru so you have to decide that is why that's why I said that if it is necessary a spiritual life then you be slave of him that's the sadhana you know in our monastic life also we go to our Guru earlier tradition you have to serve your Guru day and night and then he will be kind enough to give you the spiritual wisdom for Spiritual wisdom you are slaving but not for material something so that that is to be differentiated another question why do people do wrong things or deviate from an ideal behavior is it because they are born crooked or is it because despite being aware about right and wrong they simply cannot restrain their largest the same question why people do wrong because we do wrong because we don't understand we do wrong because our Buddha directs in a wrong direction everyone is driven by his own buddhi intellect and mind as the Mind dictates we are all slave of the mind we must have to follow what mind teaches or our understanding my understanding is this is good for me and then you move in that direction so people do right or wrong because as their buddhi that's why our prayer is that oh Lord please guide our intellect in the right direction and to the direction of perfection if possible please leave stream or your sanskriters if possible please live stream your Sanskrit classes need to learn what is yeah he wants to learn sunscreen no Sanskrit class can be given like that okay we have not done it like that and the teacher is also now it is we are doing in the person but that has not started then I understand you are willing to learn that way we have not decided yet and we cannot say anything now to change the policy or to change the thing okay he is timing is what is the difference between a peaceful mind and inner Stillness which is silence itself are the same difference between the peaceful mind peaceful mind yes of course peaceful mind is which is not ruffled by the desires and mind is like wave patanjalis yoga Sutra says mind is when mind becomes peaceful many of the waves are flat so that means mine is does not get uh irritated by the things of the external world so Stillness or when you really go back to your God Consciousness mind yes when your mind will be still then the truth will reveal in the heart they are almost semi right are all evil people slaves of their own mind and compulsive trend is yes we Bo we are born with our compulsive Tendencies called the basana is the driving force and that's why it drives in the same home look at that same parents two or three children one child is very very calm does not do harm things for others always goes to help the sister or the brother another is all smoking and punching and feeding and so how do this differentiate it is the tendency he is born with that he's forcing him to be like that another is becoming like that yes we are mostly driven by our past Impressions that's why we are to work on the mind to make it not provocated by my past impulses but to move with the energy for thinking of God and purifying the mind is not about his question is to have 50 for the children not to be terrified by him but we are not terrified so our last line I didn't go out should not one pity on them yes you can be pitiful but the question is that if you learn something out of that oh do you don't know what he has said is not important important is my life is gone dead their words are here but problem is my problem think that what how I can get out of this problem uh should I be for following the do you don't respect or shall I follow the original spell so instead of being terrified by them yeah yeah then good people always be pitiful good people always even you know who has killed 10 people huh people become pitiful and then condone them and they come out and stab another person so but that that is not the ideal you say we should not hate anyone you can say that you have to see the goodness God in everyone that is the point even that's why it is said uh hate the sin not the sinner so we should like yes but because that will inflict me if I support the bad thing as being pitiful then I am supporting something which my mind is getting in a taking it in wrong direction so for my welfare spirituality is for my personal benefit which will give me illumination and which will also help others to be getting the effect of that good in life so anyhow thank you um and tomorrow will be gospel class so 7 30. okay thank you